Cross Technologies 2015-58T Instruction Manual

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Instruction Manual
Model 2015-58
June 2014, Rev. F
MODEL 2015
F = 5950.000
G = +10.0
Data, drawings, and other material contained herein are proprietary to Cross Technologies, Inc., but may be
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the equipment.
When ordering parts from Cross Technologies, Inc., be sure to include the equipment model number,
equipment serial number, and a description of the part.
6170 Shiloh Road
Alpharetta, Georgia 30005
(770) 886-8005
FAX (770) 886-7964
Toll Free 888-900-5588
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Model 2015-58

Instruction Manual Model 2015-58 UpconverterJune 2014, Rev. FMENUEXECUTEMODEL 2015CROSS TECHNOLOGIES INC.F = 5950.000

Page 2 - MODEL 2015-58 Upconverter

2.4 Installation / Operation2.4.1 Installing and Operating the 2015-58 Upconverter1. Connect a -35 dBm to -10 dBm, 70 MHz signal to IF IN, J4 (Figu

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2.5 Menu Settings2.5.1 Functions - This section describes operation of the front panel controls. There are three operator switches, the LCD display

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2.5.2. Power On SettingsNOTE: The last status of a unit is retained even when power is removed. When power is restored, the unit will return to it&

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2.5.4 Frequency ChangesAt any time during the modification process, if you have made a mistake and do not wish to save the changes you have made, d

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2.5.5 Gain ChangesWhen you get to this menu note that the gain changes will be made as you make them but if you do not wish to save the changes you h

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2.5.5 Alarm IndicationsAn alarm condition for will occur if the local oscillator phase lock loop (PLL) comes out of lock. The Mute LED will light if

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CROSS TECHNOLOGIES, INC.6170 Shiloh RoadAlpharetta, Georgia 30005(770) 886-8005FAX (770) 886-7964Toll Free 888-900-5588WEB E

Page 9 - G = +00.0

INSTRUCTION MANUALMODEL 2015-58 Upconverter TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGEWarranty 21.0 General 31.1 Equipment Description 31.2 Technical Characteristics 4

Page 10 - SPARE FUSE

MODEL 2015-58 Upconverter1.0 General1.1 Equipment DescriptionThe 2015-58 Upconverter converts 70 ± 18 MHz to 5.85 to 6.425 GHz in 125 kHz steps with

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1.2 Technical CharacteristicsTABLE 1.1 2015-58 Upconverter Specifications*Input Characteristics (IF)Impedance 75ΩReturn Loss 18 dBFrequency 70 ±

Page 12 - G = +10.0

1.3 Monitor and Control InterfaceA) Remote Serial InterfaceProtocol - RS-485, RS-422 or RS-232C (selectable), 9600 baud rate, no parity, 8 data bits,

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B) Commands - Table 1.2 lists the commands for the 2015-58 and briefly describes them. After a command is sent the 2015-58 sends a return “>” indi

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1.4 Use InformationA. Elevated operating ambient temperature - if installed in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly, the operating ambient temperatur

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2.0 Installation2.1 MechanicalThe 2015-58 consists of one RF/Controller PCB which is housed in a 1 RU (1 3/4 inch high) by 16 inch deep chassis. A


2.2 Rear Panel Input / Output Signals - Figure 2.2 shows the input and output connectors on the rear panel.ACGNDJ1810 MHZ REFOUTPUTJ10ANDMONITORCONTR

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